Repairs and complaints
The gloves are sewn so that the lining is replaceable. Often, the knitted lining wears out faster than leather in use, so changing the lining extends the life of the gloves.
The lining exchange service operates through our store on Mikonkatu. After delivering the gloves to the store and making the payment, the gloves are shipped to the factory where the glove seamers remove the old lining and sew the new lining onto the glove. You will be notified when the gloves are ready to be picked up. If you wish, you can also pay for home delivery.
The quality of the gloves is an honor for us, so if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. Handmade gloves are carefully made and finished, but can sometimes give rise to a rare complaint. For example, a detached seam or a quickly detached lining, or a rare skin tear are grounds for complaint. The solution of the complaint is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In case of complaints, deal directly with our store: Mikonkatu 7, Helsinki or contact To speed up transactions, attach your contact information, order number, date of purchase, place of purchase, and a picture of the gloves to the e-mail.
We only repair Sauso gloves. The possibility and price of repair work are assessed on a case-by-case basis. For repair needs, contact our store directly at Eerikinkatu 1, Helsinki or contact To speed up transactions, attach an image of the gloves to be repaired to the e-mail.
The lining exchange service usually takes 2-7 weeks in total. Duration is affected by factory congestion, transport and handling times. We therefore recommend doing a lining change in the off-season or purchasing replacement gloves, so that you do not have to wait for your fingers to freeze the gloves that return from the lining change.
Payment will be made before repair. If you wish, you can also pay for home delivery. Lining change costs 35-65 euros (+ delivery costs if you want home delivery). The price of lining change is determined by the lining material. 100% wool 39 € Cashmere wool blend (55% cashmere 45% wool) 45 € 100% cashmere 55 € Fur lining (lamb or rabbit) 65 €
We only repair Sauso gloves. The possibility and price of repair work are always assessed on a case-by-case basis. For repair needs, contact our store directly at Eerikinkatu 1, Helsinki or contact To speed up transactions, attach an image of the gloves to be repaired to the e-mail.
Meillä on 100% tyytyväisyystakuu kosketusnäyttökäsineille. Jos käsineiden kosketusnäyttöominaisuus ei toimi, saat rahat takaisin tai toiset käsineet tilalle. Takuu on voimassa 12 kuukautta.
Käsineiden ja kosketusnäyttöominaisuuden kestävyyteen vaikuttaa merkittävästi se, kuinka käsineitä on käytetty ja onko hoito-ohjeita noudatettu. Jos käsineet ovat esimerkiksi kastuneet tai niitä on pesty ohjeiden vastaisesti, emme pysty enää tarjoamaan takuuta käsineiden kosketusnäyttöominaisuudelle.
Huomaathan, että jotkut paksuilla panssarilaseilla varustetut näytöt eivät toimi käsineiden kanssa.
Otathan meihin yhteyttä, jos sinulla on kysyttävää kosketusnäyttökäsineistä tai takuusta.